1. You should purchase your new car at or around Christmas time because with everybody buying their Christmas presents, not many of them are looking to buy a new car, and it forces dealerships to up their sales strategies. Salesmen are more willing to haggle down to your prices to close the deal.
2. You can also get a good deal from July to October because that is the time of year when dealerships are trying to get rid of their inventory to make way for the new models.
3. Purchasing a car online is becoming a great way to get a new car. Just wait for good rebates and incentives online and shop around. Print out your information from the best quotes and bring it to the dealer that you are most willing to work with. Bringing in lower quotes from another company might be your best bet in getting a good deal.
4. You should visit FightingChance.com if you are hoping to find new car prices, dealer incentives, and the best rebate offers. This site is the first place that you should go for great advice on buying a car. It’s even more informative than the Kelley Blue book. This program for buying new cars can literally save you thousands of dollars.
5. A good place to start when going into a dealership is to bring a copy of your credit score with you. It can lower your interest rates on your car loan. Your car dealer should not know more about you than you do.
6. You can avoid a common scam that dealerships pull. You will often hear that your financing fell through and that you have to respond by paying more money on your loan. Don’t believe it. It’s another reason for you to get a copy of your credit score.
7. Another common scam by dealership salesmen is for them to tell you that they have found you a lower rate, but that they want you to re-sign your loan papers. Usually, that is a downright lie. Once they pull up your financing information, they have the upper hand if you don’t know the details about your credit information. You can get a copy of your credit information online at equifax.com for about $10-$15. It’s better to pay $15 now than thousands later.
8. Don’t bring in a car for trade in if you still owe money on it. The dealership rarely pays the rest of the loan on time which will result in you having to pay a great deal of late fees to the bank. If you do decide to bring a car in that you owe money on, get it in writing from the dealership that they will pay the balance on the car within 10 days.
9. Sometimes a dealership may not have all of your options and must order the car directly from the dealership. If this happens they will often ask you to pay $500-$1000 for a deposit on the car. Try not to pay more than $500 and be sure to pay with a credit card because sometimes the dealership will tell you that there was a price increase on the vehicle and will want more money. If you pay with a credit card you have room to dispute the amount being taken from you. If you pay by check, you can just consider the money gone.
10. You should never buy a car when you are in desperate need for one because a dealer will see that and take advantage. You should never wait until an old car is dead before searching for a new one because you should give yourself time to shop around for one and get the best deal possible. Desperation often clouds your judgment.
About the author:
Are you planning to buy a car? Visit Auto Loans Center for the latest news and information on auto loans. http://www.autoloanscenter.info/

Monday, October 29, 2007
Top 10 Tips You Must Know When Buying a Car
Posted by
12:54 PM
Buyers guide for aftermarket replacement car seats
Aftermarket replacement car seats come in a variety of
colors and styles. This can be a tricky and potentially
costly decision to make. But it does not have to be. This
is no different than buying anything else. Just do a little
research. We are going to provide a few hints to make your
experience a little easier.
1. Buy from a reputable dealer.One way to check this is to
email them and ask a few questions before you purchase.
How long in business, who their supplier is, what support
do they offer etc.
2.Although you might be tempted to buy the lastest fad such
as new designs and such you are better off staying with
your original color and design as this will preserve the
value of your vehicle.
3. Before you purchase make sure they guarantee that your
new seat covers fit with a money back guarantee.
4. If you are not installing your new seat covers yourself,
find some one in your area to do this before ordering. This is because
some don't like to do this if you do not purchase from them.
5.If you are doing the installation yourself make sure some
concise instructions are included.Some also provide online
manuals to follow.
6.If you are a do-it yourself type person replacing your seat
covers should not be a problem.Basic hand tools are required.
7.Check with your supplier to see what is included with your
purchase and to see if any additional supplies are needed.
By following this short outline this will make your
purchase and installation of aftermarket replacement car seats
go much smoother.
Posted by
12:54 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Buying a Car? Check Your Credit Score First
Do you check your credit score and credit report before you go shopping for a car? You might find out that it is well worth your while to do so, as some auto dealers are taking advantage of the fact that many consumers do not know their credit scores.
No one likes buying a car; the entire process is awkward and cumbersome. Most items we buy are plainly marked with the price, but with cars, the price is often a mystery. Then you have to haggle with a salesman and hope that you have worked out the best price possible. Having done that, you have to arrange financing. You can often get an acceptable interest rate when financing through the dealer, but some dealers are padding their bottom line by offering loans at higher rates than they otherwise might.
The scam works like this - You negotiate your best price with the dealer and you agree to finance through them. You fill out the credit application and hand it over to the salesman, who has promised you some reasonable terms. He takes off to process the application and to check your credit report while you have a cup of coffee. He returns a few minutes later, shaking his head. He informs you that your credit score is only 600 and that you will not qualify for the interest rate he offered you. He says that you will have to pay a higher rate. And not knowing any better, you agree.
Tip! Don't forget all the things you've learned from buying cars and don't let a sales person confuse you. If they are irritating and confusing, just walk out.
Had you done your homework by checking your credit score ahead of time, you would have known your actual credit score and you could have pointed out that the salesman's assessment of your credit score was incorrect. At that point, you could insist upon receiving the more favorable interest rate or threaten to finance elsewhere. This is a common scam that works because most people really do not know their exact credit score.
Learning your credit score is easy. All you have to do is visit the Websites of one of the three major credit bureaus - Experian, Trans Union or Equifax. For a modest fee, you can receive a copy of your credit report with your credit score. Armed with this useful piece of information, you can shop for a car with a bit more peace of mind, knowing ahead of time whether or not you can qualify for the best financing.
Tip! For more information on the best Houston Used Car try visiting Car Buying For Idiots located at http://CarBuyingForIdiots.com where you will find valuable information on buying cars, buying used cars and other information.
©Copyright 2006 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including LemonLawHelp.net, a site devoted to information regarding auto lemon laws.
Posted by
6:11 AM
Buying a Car After Bankruptcy? These Suggestions Could Help
If you are buying a car after bankruptcy, here are a few suggestions that could help:
First, you want to make sure you've done everything you can to increase your credit score. Once you've done that you're ready to start shopping for your car!
Here's a question for you: Is it better to get outside financing or get financing through the dealership when you are buying a car after bankruptcy. The answer is... drum roll please... it depends!
It's worthwhile to apply for outside financing when buying a car after bankruptcy. But make sure you do it through the right lender. If you don't, you could end up paying $100s or $1,000s more in extra interest. If you even get approved at all.
Now let's assume you've done your homework. You found the car you like, you know how much that make and model sells for, and you know how much your trade in is worth. It's time to visit the dealership...
Let's say you find the specific car you want to buy. Now you're going to need to negotiate the price.
If you lined up outside financing, then you're in a good position from a negotiating standpoint. But what if you could not get outside financing for a car after bankruptcy? What if you need to depend on the dealership to get you financed when buying the car after bankruptcy?
Tip! Don't forget all the things you've learned from buying cars and don't let a sales person confuse you. If they are irritating and confusing, just walk out.
Many people think that since they had a bankruptcy they are at the mercy of the car dealership in this situation. THIS SIMPLY IS NOT TRUE!
Let me share a little secret with you: If the dealership has run your credit report and they start negotiating with you, then they're pretty sure they can finance you. After all, do you really think they would waste their time negotiating a price with someone they did not think they could finance? Of course not!
Tip! If you are new at buying cars, don't get intimidated.Have a firm goal.
Here's where things get interesting. How many times a year does the dealership negotiate with buyers? Probably hundreds of times a year at a decent sized dealership. Now what about you - how many times do you negotiate for a car? If you are like most people, it's probably once every so many years.
Most people will thoroughly research the price of the car they want to buy. If it's new they'll take time to find out the dealership's cost and, if they have one, the value of their trade in.
Tip! Visit RoadBusters for more information and help on buying cars, or just come along to chat.
...and they'll go back and forth with the dealership for two or three hours until everyone agrees on the numbers and a sale takes place.
Chances are the buyer still may have left a pile of money on the table - and didn't even know it. The reason the buyer probably left money on the table is that they more than likely made two critical mistakes without even being aware of it. One mistake was that they didn't negotiate all five parts of the sale separately. The price of the car is just one part.
Tip! Make sure you buy during a time when very few are likely to buy that product. Christmas is a good time for buying cars.
On that note, another step you will want to take is to improve your car buying skills. How? Visit websites that provide car buying tips. Another way is to pick up a good book on how to buy a car - you can find quite a few of them out there. Unfortunately, I have not run across any that provide specific information on buying a car after bankruptcy. However, After Bankruptcy Credit Solutions does cover this topic in detail - so the information is out there.
Other than a home, buying a car is one of the bigger purchases you're going to make. You need to AVOID any mistakes that can cost you up to $100s or $1,000s of dollars in extra interest. In other words, you simply can't afford not to get things right when you're buying a car after bankruptcy.
This article covered some steps you can take which could help when buying a car after bankruptcy. Put them to use and they could save you from making some expensive mistakes!
Copyright © 2006 Innovative Solutions Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.
This information is designed to provide only a general overview of the subject matter herein.
This information is provided with the understanding that neither the publisher nor author is engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a professional should be sought.
Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss or damages, including but not limited to special, consequential, incidental or other damages, caused by the information contained herein.
Tip! People consider a secured car loan only for buying cars but the truth is that you can use the secured car loans to cater any of your expenses related to car. You can use the loan amount for engine upgrade, paint work, buying accessories such as music systems, interiors, power windows and power steering, repairs and any other modification for your existing car.
About the Author: R. Lawrence Anderson is author of After Bankruptcy Credit Solutions, which shows individuals how to qualify for credit and loans after bankruptcy - it also covers the topic of buying a car after bankruptcy.
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6:11 AM
Buying a Satellite Navigation (Satnav) System for Your Car
Once they were only for the rich and were only fitted in the very high end cars but today SatNav systems are available to all. You can either opt for the in-car fitted systems that are still quite expensive or you can go for the handheld or protable units. This article is about the latter.
What is SatNav?
SatNav is a system that comprises of 2 elements, a GPS data receiver and a CPU/display unit. The receiver gets information from orbiting GPS navigational satellites and communicates it to the CPU/display unit. This unit is then able to find its exact location on the planet by comparing signals from various satellites.
The unit incorporates road maps of the area and places an indicator on the map showing where the car is on the maps.
The units allow you to plan a journey ahead of time and then the unit will guide you to you destination by displaying a map showing you where you are and the direction you should be heading. Most now have voice instructions so the unit will tell you, when you are approaching a junction, which turning you should take. The units are also capable of making real time adjustments to the route, this means that if you go the wrong way the until will recalculate the route to your destination taking into account the wrong turning you have just made.
The maps for the unit can be loaded for the different regions you visit, so they may have a map of the UK and another for France and so on. Most modern unit have the maps stored on a removable memory cards like SD cards or similar memory card but some units read directly from a CD or DVD. The display can be set to show the conventional flat map view or the new 3D view that shows a view as if it was above you and looking forward. This view is very good and clear.
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6:11 AM
Things To Look For When Buying Car Stereo Speakers
There are so many car stereo speakers on the market. How do you know what to choose? Let's take a look at some of the things you should look for when buying a car speaker.
1. How is the speaker's power measured?
Pay close attention to the amount of power the speaker can handle. This is particularly important when dealing with woofers, since they require more power to play loudly. Look out for models where the manufacturers exaggerate power. Ensure that power is measures in RMS. Be very wary of terms like "music power" and "peak power". These terms mean nothing when it comes to measuring power.
2. How sensitive is the speaker?
The more sensitive a speaker is, the less power required to play it. If a speaker is insensitive it will require a lot more power to play at the same volume. If you're using an amplifier you don't have much to worry about. But sensitivity becomes a bigger issue when you're using your head unit to power your speakers. Head units have less power so they require speakers that are more sensitive.
3. Are you buying the right size speakers?
The size of your speaker is very important. They should be able to fit in the proper locations. Ensure that your midrange speakers can fit in the door or dash spaces or else you may have to do some cutting. Do you have enough room in your trunk for your woofer to fit? Ensure that tweeters can be mounted in a location where they fire almost directly at you.
4. What type of enclosure is best for your subwoofers?
Woofers generate a back wave behind them. They should never be mounted in free air space. If this is done the sound they produced at the front will be cancelled out by the backwave. As a result they will produce no bass. Hence the need for enclosures. You can choose between many types of enclosures.
Tip! For more information on the best Houston Used Car try visiting Car Buying For Idiots located at http://CarBuyingForIdiots.com where you will find valuable information on buying cars, buying used cars and other information.
One popular choice is the ported box. The woofer is mounted in the box with a hole in it and a port tube attached to the hole.
There's another technique where two chambers are used. The woofer is mounted in one chamber inside the box and fires into another chamber that is ported to the outside.
Another method uses the speaker's trunk as an enclosure.
The sealed enclosure is the most popular. The back wave is surpressed inside the box and the speaker fires inside the car.
All of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. You need to choose one that is best for your situation. Be sure to inform yourself about enclosures before making a selection.
Tip! Don't forget all the things you've learned from buying cars and don't let a sales person confuse you. If they are irritating and confusing, just walk out.
Ordering your car stereo speakers online is quick and easy. Before buying them check out some online reviews. Find out what customers like yourself think of the speaker you want to buy. You can order your speakers online today.
Roger Charles is a successful author and publisher of http://car-stereos-guide.com. A resource for information and tips on buying car stereos and car audio products online.
Posted by
6:11 AM
Things To Look For When Buying A Car Stereo Head Unit
There are so many car stereo head units on the market. How do you know what to choose? Let's take a look at some of the things you should look for when buying a head unit.
1. How user friendly is the head unit?
Your head unit must be user friendly. This is the part of your car stereo you will interact with the most so you must feel comfortable using it. Before buying one be sure to play around with it and see how easy and quick it is to change tracks on a CD, switch radio stations, and so on. Are the buttons too small? You need to be able to enjoy using your head unit.
2. How is the unit's power measured?
Pay close attention to power. Look out for models where the manufacturers exaggerate the unit's power. This malpractice is common among most manufacturers. Ensure that power is measures in RMS. Be very wary of terms like "music power" and "peak power". These terms mean nothing when it comes to measuring power.
3. Choosing between a cassette player and a CD player.
It's all about your personal preference. Do you use more cassettes than CDs? In that case you should probably go with a cassette player. Many of them give you the option of hooking up a CD changer. Your CD changer can be operated from your head unit.
Tip! Make sure you buy during a time when very few are likely to buy that product. Christmas is a good time for buying cars.
The only problem with some CD changers is the fact that you may have to get to your trunk or under your seat to change CDs. With in-dash CD players everything is in reach and can be operated easily.
More and more people are using CDs these days. CDs have several advantages including better sound quality. Many of them can be hooked up to a CD changer as well.
4. Does the head unit include pre-amp outputs?
If you're serious about sound you wouldn't buy a head unit that doesn't come with pre-amp outputs. With these outputs, you can run an amplifier directly without any need for conversion. This output is the cleanest. Higher volt outputs are better as long as your amplifier or crossover can handle the voltage. For less noise choose 4 volts over 1-2 volts.
Tip! Don't forget all the things you've learned from buying cars and don't let a sales person confuse you. If they are irritating and confusing, just walk out.
5. Is there a theft prevention scheme?
If theft protection is important to you buy a head unit that includes a theft prevention scheme. You can choose between a partially detachable and fully detachable face. Detaching the face of your head unit renders it useless. So this is obviously a great deterrent for thieves.
Tip! If you are new at buying cars, don't get intimidated.Have a firm goal.
Kenwood has some models where the face flips around so the thief can't see the head unit.
Some head units like Eclipse's ESN system, require a reference CD when you first apply power to them. If it is stolen it is useless. You must have the reference CD for it to work. The only problem with this is that if the thief has no clue about this feature, your head unit would be stolen anyway. Your only hope would be if he foolishly takes it to Eclipse for repair. Eclipse would be able to verify that it was stolen.
Ordering your car stereo head unit online is quick and easy. Before buying your head unit be sure to check out some online reviews. Find out what customers like yourself think of the unit you want to buy. You can order one online today.
Roger Charles is a successful author and publisher of http://car-stereos-guide.com. A resource for information and tips on buying car stereo and car audio products online.
Posted by
6:11 AM
The Five Most Common Mistakes When Buying Car Speakers
When it comes time to buying replacement speakers for a car audio system, there are several mistakes which are commonly made. Be sure to read this handy guide to avoid the five most common mistakes when buying car speakers.
1. Plan your budget. Are you revamping your entire audio system? If so you need to allocate money to different parts of the system. If you are just changing the speakers, decide how much money you want to spend on them before seeing what is available. This will allow you to keep costs within a reasonable range.
2. Consider how much you are willing to modify your car. Some speaker systems require extensive modification. This is an extra cost which must be factored into your budget, and also may affect the resale value of the car if you decide you want to try and keep the audio system.
3. What do you use your car for? If you travel extensively and are on the road almost every day, you should probably splurge and buy the best quality speakers you can afford. After all, your car is like a second home, and anything you can do to make it more comfortable will enhance your working life. On the other hand, if you only use the car to go to the grocery store and most of the time it sits on the driveway, it's a bit of a waste to go for high-end car speakers.
4. How long are you going to keep your car? If you plan on using the same car for two years or more, it makes sense to buy good-quality speakers. If you're going to sell the car next month and are simpler looking for a upgrade to the audio system to make it easier to sell, keep your car speaker budget to a minimum.
Tip! Don't forget all the things you've learned from buying cars and don't let a sales person confuse you. If they are irritating and confusing, just walk out.
5. What kind of music you listen to? This will have a big influence on the type of car audio system that you have. If you like to listen to strong, bass-heavy music, you should get powerful amplifiers and ample subwoofers. On the other hand, if your music tastes run to classical or pop, you want a speaker system which can reproduce the entire audio spectrum evenly.
Hans is a car audio enthusiast and author of the Audio How To Section of the http://www.selected-audio-reviews.com/
Posted by
6:09 AM